

There's a bully on my stoep
There's a callus bully menacing all
Without a conscious he devours all
Everything on his way get bulldozed
Any sort of guilt or remorse removed
Anger ignites like a violent volcano
Skinning and scrapping every torso
Pain and blood a trail of sick humour
To please one with a fickle armour
Ghastly grinning just because it matter
A gaping gash like hot knife through butter

The animal roars ears shut to reason
A devil's storm in a desert for a season
Blood flowing and bones severely splintered
While brother is pitted against his brother
A sister clawing the life out of her sister
The sanctuary has long left the bare walls

Once centers to meet invigorating isight
Schools are now entrapment cold rooms
To find your inside chewed and ripped out
Those once by your side now on sidelines
Screaming their lungs out for your breath
That last breath ripped from your chest
No one has your back lying there out cold
A caricature of what you once were
Puffy bloody eye-lids glued tightly shut
Knocks ramming against that limp body
The monstrous bully baying for your blood

Devoid of any dignity there you nakedly lie
Motionless just wishing to piously die
For in that painful hazy moment as you lie
A painful realization draws you to reality
The senseless bully was now elevated
To shamefully mount that pedestal of glory
My thoughts embrace the gory emptiness
© Baipedi Christina Tebogo Mosebi