

The Plague In My Life
The plague in my life, oh how it spreads
Like a toxic cloud, it fills my head
Consuming every thought, every breath
This family affair, a curse, a death
It started with whispers, behind closed doors
Innocent remarks, now a venomous roar
Like a virus, it spreads without cure
Destroying all love, sweet memories obscure
The words they use, like daggers they pierce
Leaving scars, my heart, forever fierce
Tearing apart all bonds once strong
This toxic family, oh how they do me wrong
The bitterness, the resentment, it lingers
The pain, the hurt, it only triggers
A cycle of toxicity, I cannot break
For this is my family, my heartache
They say blood is thicker than water
But in this case, it only breeds disorder
For what is love, when it's laced with poison
This family affair, a burden, a burden
I long for peace, for a sense of calm
But in this plague, I am a mere pawn
A victim of their toxic ways
This family affair, a never-ending maze
Oh how I wish to break free
From this plague, that's consuming me
But alas, it's in my blood, in my veins
This toxic family, forever remains

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ The Plague In My Life

© ApproximatePower