

i was blind but now i can see like John cena 'you can't see me
in mo life they're phases that you must experience 'because some one will inteview you along the way 'about how did you make it, what did you do, some of those phase you became blind not because you have no eyes to wear glasses ,shades laker; its not that you are born like that no offers or kidding about disabled people life 'its not that you didn't eat vegetables to found some vitamins and minerals staff like that' its not that you can't not hear sound or moves of shadows or natural sense of humor 'its because life has footsteps like architecture design memory' you can say you trust your best friend but life its full of suprices like miracles of jesus Christ charge water to a wine because he can nothing is impossible ' you can see your best friend can be your best enemy in our century 'because of ego...