

Celestial Quiver
Scratch my itch,
Cause i can't understand this pitch,
Black roses and a ditch,
A million feet abyss,
A black niche,
Which shall hold you crisp,
Celestial body's wish,
To have you as a star shooter from that abyss,
Have you seen a kite it seems much stronger without those strings,
It can fly from the border,
Without getting fired,
You shall be quiet,
Cause you are of no help in this fight,
My mother earth had a desire,
Wishing no war peace to aspire,
The tavern had a beauty,
Who drank all of it's tea,
She had nothing but a little big heart,
Which could have you bed ridden for ten thousand hours,
Whish you could feel the zither,
As you could have your heart wither,
No shiver cause the niche had some liquor,
Warm shelter for those broken heart creatures,
Strict policy just don't make the same quiver.
© Shafi