

save me
You were encaptured wholly when eyes first laid
I soon learned to follow in your footsteps
Eventually I surpassed and you slowed
Slowed so much you almost stopped

Now I suffer from giving too much
Too much that isn't returned
Too much that isn't said or done
Too much that I crave from someone unwilling

I stand on a ledge of uncertainty
In front of me lies two caves I could fall into
One with happiness without you
The other with discontent with you

But behind me is the one who can choose
You can push me but be unhappy yourself
Or you can pull
You can pull me into your arms

You can cherish me
You can hold me and love me
You can tell me sweet nothings
Everything I've done for you and more

I can be saved from my own indecision
If you decide to pull me off the ledge
If you knew what was wrong
We could be saved
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