

why bulging eye refused me say good by to America heros
Bulging eyes middle class like a gold fish

It's covered in red blood net

Usually such people wearing mask

He refused me say good bye to senior residents

After I got fired

Doesn't it is a bullying attitude towards to a most weakness employee?

( A bad nurse L can say fuck to me on Sunday ; a bad chef kitchen boss A can say fuck deliberately to me on Sunday)

Travel ant ball system can abuse the most weakness employee me

They can do same thing targeted at most weakness senior residents!!!

In this building eyeballs office

He already learned that I earn 13 dollar/ hour

Worked 8 hours to 12

I told him

I still enjoyed to work here of course not appreciate paystub

'Why ? ' Bulging eyes was so curiously opened his bageleye

Because I love them !

America hero groups take care of freedom for lots country

They win respect from all small Christain!

So this one doesn't care small_ Christian use love and care to work for senior

He can mealfeance power fired me

Why he refuse me say 'good bye '

To senior residents?!

Doesn't it exposed his cold mean

Such kind of people emashed into middle class

Camera system could be weaponized for their chain_ carribian _trick

This building no honest sound

This building will only welcome gangster even persecute small Christian

This building will use all management system power against honest sound

Target at most weakness

Where gangster pawn system controlled

Where they eliminated truth sound

Travel ant ball gangster's organizer true aim

Is use all kinds of South America gangster

Take down America!

I got fired by this D _ middle class hiring person

Usually such eyeballs has no true kindness

For example:


When kitchen boss A and nurse L said __fuck you

This bulging eyes knew

When kitchen sloth find my trouble he knew

Why he still fired me ?

Fake face had been promoted by Trav ants ball system in all assisted

Will only

Protect gangster system

It can explain why he deliberately call police

After I left company twenty minutes

Senior and junior with wise brain

All America hero groups of assisted living

Let me analyze the scene for you

It is a chain carribian trick

The kitchen paw sloth

Deliberately yelling inside kitchen

Immediately this D middle class hiring manager walked in

It is not an acoincidence

It is their arrangement

I have resident Su a little black coffee at 10:30

It is exactly time this company allow kitchen serve beverage

What wrong with me ?

Sloth was yelling at me and Su

After one minute this sloth yelled at in kitchen aloud

It only proved sloth is one chain among carribian trick

Followed sloth drama , D appeared in kitchen

It proves they are same gangster organization

That can explain their time can't matches exactly

( Same types of carribian trick happened in Nokomis where has an assisted living facilities named __ sa....r _ hear... S

Gangster pawn system came from Colombian )

This D immediately asked me back home

Me and sloth are going to take care lunch and dinner

If this D true think of senior need

He will keep partial attitude solve problem

It proves this D has no professional level of his career

His attitude looks taking revenge on me

Why ?

This D suddenly showed teeth

It proves he doesn't care lunch time and dinner time is coming

__ what he want is fire me soon

Finished his revenge

It proves he doesn't want to solve problems at that moment

When sloth deliberately made trouble

It is a chain of carribian trick arranged

This D and Haidian gangster female pawn ever flirted each other in kitchen

D control the camera system

So he never care


When senior Su told me she need to call police because a caregiver treated her mean

The object of this bulging eye's flirtation and what Su said __

Same female Heidian caregiver

Therefore, there is a possibly is

D bulging eyes _globe

take advantage of his 's position

Arranged this chain carribian trick

Deliberately fired me

And I got fired Bec I speak for helpless senior Su

And they hate me trying to help an America hero

Whom is easy dizzy lost balance when he is walking