

Forever Over
Half a year has passed
And sometimes when I wake up
I have dreamt of you
And sometimes when I'm alone
I think of you in tears
And sometimes when I'm drunk
My phone calls you a few times
And sometimes when I walk
Past all the places
Where I have been with you
Then my heart cries
Its bloody tears
To someone like you.

And when I wait in the evening
Alone in this dark room
And my face illuminated
From the rays of my phone
I check to see if you have texted
Because maybe
Just maybe
You texted me
Because you miss me
Just as much as I miss you
And when I am out at night
And the stars glow above me
And the lights of the night
Embrace me comfortingly
My eyes cry salty tears
Because I know for sure
That it is forever over
Because you have a new girl
And instead of my name
You say hers.

© ray.of.sunshine.