

The shield 🛡️
I was your shield I loved you until the end you were my sun .

I shield you from damage and I tock that damage my self to keep you smiling in my side .

One day you stopped smiling but I still tock your damage .

Time passed by
you told me that you didn't wanted to smile in my side
and you said I was already worneout

you told I was old and ugly
that you wanted a new shield you thru me away and left me alone .
The time passed I saw you with a nother new shield Wich you showoff with and I was old and rusty with a lot of damage.
Until I heard some one said to me "hello" she polished me clean until I shined she fixed me and wore me with pride we both took our damage together and fix it together as well.

Thanks for reading ❤️🛡️

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