

They have seen her,
heard her crying,
Tried advising
But couldn't do.
For she was taught by traditional elders
That a woman hangs in there
She was taught that the work of a woman is to please a man and
raise children
She was taught that in everything a man says she must say "Yebo baba" meaning yes father
She was taught that the husband
is the head of the house
And everything he says must be done

She had dreams
Wanted to say
But Everytime she tries she got beaten
She wanted out but always thought it was a mistake
Thought he would stop
Everytime she got beaten
She would hang in there as her elders said
For she didn't want to go against her culture

She tried saying her opinion
In problems
But got beaten for trying to be a man
Till she got beaten to death

She never got a say
Always a follower
She was a slave in a marriage

If only she took her children and left
She would be alive

If only her tradition didn't teach me to be treated like kings
She would be alive

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