Meet me in the Middle...
#Selfhealer #Writer
"Meet me in the middle,
With an open mind,
Set aside our differences,
We're the same kind..."
It's through Poems I fiddle,
searching for the right words in mind.
With an open heart,
I made the decision to set myself aside,
with our differences in mind.
But what created our great divide?
Your Love language is a riddle...
Kind gestures are shadows made manifest in hopes you can meet your own needs, without mine in mind?
I find this disheartening, so I must close myself off from your manipulative ways.
If you can't meet me halfway than where do we draw the line? Your white lies don't white out the stains you left on these pages.
Though I can't blame you for I know your pain, I know this is the only way you learnd...
#Selfhealer #Writer
"Meet me in the middle,
With an open mind,
Set aside our differences,
We're the same kind..."
It's through Poems I fiddle,
searching for the right words in mind.
With an open heart,
I made the decision to set myself aside,
with our differences in mind.
But what created our great divide?
Your Love language is a riddle...
Kind gestures are shadows made manifest in hopes you can meet your own needs, without mine in mind?
I find this disheartening, so I must close myself off from your manipulative ways.
If you can't meet me halfway than where do we draw the line? Your white lies don't white out the stains you left on these pages.
Though I can't blame you for I know your pain, I know this is the only way you learnd...