

We Found Love
We found broken glasses scattered on the floor
Here a little, there a little
I collect, you collect
And try to bring the pieces together
And work out where each will fit
Like a puzzler solving puzzle
Too bad! All with no avail, we fix.

We found shells beside the sea
Here a smaller, there a bigger
I amased, and you amased
We bring the sizes together
And work out where each came from
Like a child with curiosity
Alas! All with no reward, we waste.

We found roses in the garden
Here a pretty, there a beauty
I plucked one, and you another
We brought the colors together
And sense each one to find a match
Like a shopper, searching for the best
But nay! All with no match, we quest.

We found love in the air
The same cloud in sky, here and there
I pull on it, you help me too
And take it to the middle
We stand in the center, hands together
And see each other, becoming one
Like two raindrips forming one puddle
Ah! At last, we found love, and fell in it.
© Yesterday Mailo