

India's Lost Childhood
On one dark night,
A man came, w/ promises,
To fulfill our lost fates,
With edu. & services!

My malnourished bones,
Saw a chance of meat,
But who had thought,
it was his avarice greed!

The man makes me belief,
That I can do wonders,
But who thought that,
It was a heavy blunder!

They forced me in a truck,
Like a flock of sheeps,
And sold me to a man,
To satisfy their needs!

They took out, A piece of soul,
To earn penney in Black,
They stitch my stomach,
With a pin, full of crack!

I tried, to escape every often,
But, eventually I failed,
They usually hurts me,
Kicks or with long sticks!

My fate, later pushed me to,
a field of bangle yard,
A place full of cruelty,
Grim & working hard!

Small and burned hands,
Now, are no longer cute,
A face full of chemicals,
No one there to recruit!

A single meal, in two days,
is what, that we achieve,
All we want is to go back,
Home and to be set free!

One day, as I fearly said that,
"I'm ill and wants a rest",
He then grabs my hairs,
Banged my face in bed!

I wish that, I may die soon,
As I'm fed up of things,
We are living but like,
Soulless human beings!

Child Trafficking always,
Leaves an invisible scar,
It's stealing a childhood,
B/c it's an Alarming Issue!

- By Raj Kashyap
© @kashyapraj3010

#Childtrafficking #Childlabor #Forcedbondage #Humantrafficking