

A Glimpse Of Gaza (poetry)
In the midst of this chaos,
the taste of blood lingers in my mouth.
Horrors surround me;
a place called home for many once,
now made a hell on earth.

I scramble on my feet,
trying to rob my eyes of this vision;
before me, in the distance of two feet,
lies a child, missing half of his body.

Tears do not came, but-
deafening blast still echoes in my ears.
I reach out for anything to hold onto, desperately seeking some form of solace.

The world has crumbled around me;
I am homeless; robbed of my house and my family.

Amidst the chaos, voices rise,
I cover my ears, wanting to die.
A scream of a mother clutching a dead child,
Sobs of a man crying over his dying wife.

Then the shouts of people rushing forward to help,
to hold the broken,
help whoever they can.

Am I saved, for another day?
To live in fear, to carry this guilt?
And to carry in my broken, bruised heart, a voice crying out, demanding freedom.

Will it ever come?

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