

let it be titled (V)
Life seems unfair. but I guess that's it.
Ways were parted, least hopes of reconcilation.
The nights were twists and turns
The days were masking and pretending.

Each day was counted, chocking in own tears
"This day by next month, will be lighter"
Hoping to smile again and laughing a little longer,
Repressing ones emotions into the abyss.

Consoling "This day by next month..."
"This day by next month..."
"This day by next month..."

Alas! the string has its way as well.
All trials and sleepless nights wasted.
All future at illusion.
All hopes at loss
All faith at vague.
All of self at hideout.

Once, the heart was taught to love just to be broken.
Yet it failed to lose hope.
Twice, the heart was given away to love.
It hoped a future just to be shattered.
Thrice, the heart was reminded of the swear.
For the last time, the heart was untaught to love again.
Ever determined to guard it at all costs.

The heart wants to give in but it no more knows how.
It was taught not to love but to guard for an arrangement.

© sese