

When i passed my unkown limit.
Keep pleasing
work hard
stay disciplined
draw your card

thats what i told myself then
now i have no one to please
no one to work hard for
no reason to stay disiplined
no cards to draw
But thats not what she ever wanted
she wanted me
she gave her love
i didnt accept it
for one thing that comes for free
is love
it is human
and it is pure

I didnt know my limits
but now they are clear
its like an epiphany
spoke to my ear

But now i find myself thinking
not regreting,
full of new hope,
full of life,
full of spirit,
for she gave me up
and she told me i was the greatest
It isnt my loss
but her own
for i gained
and she gave
and now im saved
from my own grave
which i dug
for my heart
I was a bug
not a part
i lost myself
but now I'm found
for she helped me
come around

now i say
have spirit
have hope
have fun
and have love
for the sun
was in her eyes
and she has filled me
with a new rise
my heart is not relieved
but it has realized
it mourns
but rejoices
for she cared so much
to give me up
and still care
and still believe
in my soul
and in me.

now I find myself
it didnt take long
so deeply burried
in selfless pride
and in regret
as well as fear
she stays at my side
with her heart
and i believe
and i trust
that she knows what is best
for the both of us.

I hope a day will come again
when our love is reunited
as it once was
either way
we are still shining
through all the fear
all the insecurity
all the disregard
and have a new clarity
for our memories alone
are the sweetest gift
and new ones to come
I'll always pray for
but in the end
our hearts will tell
for my cares i send
to her she chooses
its never too late
nor too early
but we care for eachother
without even saying it
i trust that the most,
for her heart is pure
like my own
I'll finally see the cure
to all the anger
all the pride
and all the fear
for with loss
comes creation
of a new kind of relationship
love that is pure
is back again
she srill shines
bright as always
like the sun to my heart
and the lamp to my soul
she carss for me
and i care for her
our love never died
and never will
we are all human
but im filled with love
love that is rare
and only happens so often
it is a blessing
and always will be
and i beive in this
again i say
our love shines again
as it always will
and I beleive it
to the end.