

I'm a Dog
Some women call men dogs
I don't blame them
Because some dogs are vicious
They only care for themselves & their things

Whenever I'm stereotyped as a dog
I take it as a compliment
Cause I'm a dog who's one of all
To go to heaven

I'm a dog cause I'm loyal
I never like others when they pet me
Only that one person
I never give kisses to just anyone
Only that one person

I'm a dog cause I'm protective
When other dogs are around
I never leave that one person's side
When other animals are around
I never not bark & growl to show I'm your only one too

I'm a dog cause I'm cuddly
I never lay in anyone else's lap
Only that one person
I never cuddle with anyone else
Only that one person

I'm a dog cause I'm a man
I'm loyal to 1
I'm protective of 1
I like to cuddle with 1
I'm a dog cause I can only have 1

© Jack G.