

Sitting at a crossroads,undecided about possible futures,
without any knowledge about just how each one differs.
Each shining with an unseen promise of special fate,
though not easily perceived as clouds begin to aggregate.

Relying on instinct which most times proves correct,
given belief in your strength to somehow steer circumspect.
As roadblocks are encountered that you must overcome,
by any means necessary to make your destiny become.

Opening up for possibilities that may not be considered,
as they appear too risky and upon sheer cliffs bordered.
Perhaps to find yourself falling within a dark abyss,
where uncertainty awaits with its often fatal kiss.

Taking away your innocence and passion to be free,
in exchange for a life of mistrust as well as great uncertainty.
Which clouds your mind with feelings of sad regret,
making decisions hard to make considering mindset.

Ponder not too long because change won't be ignored,
and the persons moving forward will find their reward.
Being able to look back on life with gratified heart,
in the knowledge they chose when destiny did impart.

© Renopoet

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