

Father Love
Father, a man of strength and grace
A protector and a guiding light
With love and care, he fills the space
In his daughter's world, he shines bright

He may not have superpowers
But for his daughter, he's a hero
In her eyes, he towers
With his love, he'll never be zero

He'll do anything for his little girl
With a heart so pure and true
He'll move mountains, he'll give the world
Just to see her smile, he'll go through

From wiping tears to fixing toys
He's always there, no matter what
In his daughter's life, he brings joys
With his love, she'll never be in a rut

He'll hold her hand and teach her to walk
He'll kiss away her every fear
He'll listen to her and let her talk
He'll always be her listening ear

He'll watch her grow, with pride and joy
As she becomes a woman, strong and wise
His love for her, nothing can destroy
For her, he'll always be her sunrise

Father, a man like no other
With a heart full of love and care
For his daughter, he'll move mountains, he'll discover
The lengths he'll go, nothing can compare

So here's to all the fathers out there
Who do anything for their daughters
With their love, they'll never despair
For they are their father's treasured waters.

© nusrataijazlaway