

An Ant

An Ant- What an ironical creature is she!
Her size being contrary to her esprit.
Never will you see her fall asleep
For she knows the value of diligence deep.

Filled with infinite determination,she moves by propriety
sternly she strides towards her goal, diminishing her individuality to work in society
teaching us how to strengthen ourselves as a whole

Persistently she marches towards her aim
Parading constantly in a disciplined maneuver
If wounded, she'll then too lame
Never giving up the persistence left in her

If you block her path she'll change the way
Never will she ever turn aback
Till her last breath she'll never feel dismay
Until everything in front of her eyes turns black

Whilst inhaling her last breath
she'll still give it a try
combating valiantly with the death
She'll fearlessly then die

An Ant- What an ironical creature is she!

Learn we should a lot from an ant
her duo with nature melodiously chants
To never give up our goals till last
Whatever be the hurdle , Never feel Aghast!

© The Infinity @Anant