

The Fairy World - A short Story
In a hidden corner of the garden, where the flowers danced in the wind and the sunlight filtered through the leaves like golden rain, there existed a magical place known as the Fairy World.

Seema, a wide-eyed little girl with braided hair and a heart full of wonder, believed in the secrets that dwelled there. She saw tiny footprints in the dew-kissed grass and heard giggles in the rustling leaves.

Every night, before drifting off to sleep, Seema whispered her secrets to the stars, hoping the fairies would hear. She left tiny gifts of shiny pebbles and sweet berries at the edge of the garden, offerings to her unseen friends.

In her dreams, she flew on gossamer wings through the moonlit sky, dancing with the fairies in a world of endless magic and joy. In her heart, she knew that as long as she believed, the Fairy World would always be real.