

Dark and Light
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...
the blinking stars, the calm moon lit night
trying to speak with me
with their radiance and the dynamic expressions
the running clouds playing hide and seek
interferring in our soothing talks.
May be getting jealous of what they are deprived of
The dark, grey, foggy clouds forming varied patterns
to vomit their latent aggressions out
Colliding,moving, traversing past each other
showing that they exist and you can not ignore them.
As if they have been unheard for too long
And now they will leave no stone unturned to make them heard with all their might.
May be now the game of light and dark will vanish
The light will flourish keeping all the darkness away
Calmness and peace will prevail in mind and heart
The dreams will be pure, soothing and peaceful
and no one will be afraid of the dark nights
As no longer it would haunt us.

© दिव्यश्री