

My Shadows
My Shadows
My shadows I'm glad to come back again
Your light and secrets no one sees
Here ready to write with uncramped pen
This forbidden place I speak of foresees

A nation no one wants to possess here
Not democracy if they can keep it
Secrets and truth or its by musketeer
Speak and they listen like man's deep spirit

I wandered home through lightless silent streets
The sunset and rising moon tonight meets
Molten rust of the red sky speaks to me
Down narrow roads I gallop hoofbeats

I go many alley ways to find truth
Not one head nor mind within it a tooth
May it seem a dark alleys truth decrys
Lukewarm lamp posts rotten youth brings demise

In this alley shoulder up to this place
The cold the rain and the wind to find this
It's truth within beneath the darkness
Cleavets where they dare not to look at all

The people rose up with there curse tablets
To the wishing wells they came for blessings
Worship neon souls with there own amulets
To those of truth they screamed of such cursings

Then slammed all the tablets into the well
That God's fate feet in the wishing well they fall in

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