

I'm just me!

I'm not a version
Of somebody,
I'm just me! And
That's fine by me!
I drink too much
Until I puke and
That's my problem.

I couldn't wish to be
Somebody else but me!
I enjoy procrastinating
Through out the day,
living in dreamland
And fairyland made
Of rainbow, it's just me!

I hate crowds but
Enjoy my mental illness,
These no fullness
Like loving yourself,
Singing in the shower
Light my mood, I'm
Crazy good in my own
Way and I like myself
In that imperfect picture.
Shredded I am but I
Carry a lot of hearts.

Sometimes I step on
My toes before I think,
Sometimes I don't think,
Sometimes I regret not
Learning from mistakes,
I'm a freak but hate
To be cuddle like I'm sick.

By:Melvey koka(the surgical poet)
@Copyright reserved
© Melvey koka