

Born pure, yet dies impure-
Definition that suits the best human life.
Inequalities thoroughly levelled,
To equalise numbers both above and below.

'I am pure!'
Claimed a holy man,
The very same man,
Who has killed too many..
By stepping on ants,
Once, when a child.
The child never knew,
The ant with Life...
For his search was only,
To nourish Couriosity.
Similar was the case,
When he roamed about in delight,
To catch coloured Wings,
That never saw heights.

A bud born pure,
Is worshipped once blossomed.
That's the very same flower,
Thrown to trash once wilted.
Life is like the Queen of science,
Incomplete without her mighty King.
Yet they never teach,
How to lead a complete Life!
Then what is pure,
When merely a word Purity is!

Anjali Krishnan
© Anjali Krishnan