

In the heart of the town, where kindness blooms,
There lived a man, with gentle airs and rooms,
His words like honey, sweet and true,
A good man through and through.

With a smile that brightened the darkest day,
He'd lend a hand in every way,
His deeds were like whispers in the wind,
Touching lives, hearts, and minds.

In times of trouble, he was a steadfast guide,
With empathy and grace, he'd stand beside,
A pillar of strength, a beacon of light,
Guiding others through the darkest night.

His generosity knew no bounds,
Spreading love wherever he was found,
A good man, noble and kind,
Leaving a legacy, pure of heart and mind.

In the tapestry of life, he wove a thread,
Of compassion, love, and hope widespread,
A good man's essence, a timeless art,
Forever engraved in every grateful heart.

May his example shine bright and clear,
A good man's legacy, forever near,
In a world that needs his light to glow,
A good man's spirit, a blessing to bestow.