

Identity Quest
One fateful day, I awoke to find myself in a bewildering void. A voice, distant yet piercing, shattered the silence, demanding answers to questions I couldn't readily provide. Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I belong?

Struggling to articulate my essence, I found my voice faltering, betraying me in my hour of need. My own name felt alien on my tongue, and the concept of home remained elusive, a distant dream beyond my grasp. Yet, in a world that thrives on recognition, I knew I couldn't remain adrift.

With a heavy heart, I embarked on a solitary journey, scouring every corner of existence for the faintest glimmer of familiarity. From the sacred chants of the mosque to the solemn tolling of temple bells, I sought solace in the echoes of the divine.

But each sound, each resonance, only served to deepen my sense of disconnection. Amidst the laughter of the crowd and the cries of the hungry, I searched for a reflection of myself, only to find emptiness staring back at me.

In the quiet moments, amid the crackling of flames and the rustle of the wind, I sought refuge, yearning to reclaim the essence of my being. Yet, in the deafening silence, my name and address remained elusive, lost in the labyrinth of my own identity, waiting to be rediscovered.

© Sarah✨️