

Where do You See Yourself?
Where do you see yourself?
When the summer’s over
And winter’s wind soar higher
When dark clouds dampen the sky
And throw at us trembling thunderbolts

Where do you see yourself?
Ten years from now, may be twenty
When we grow breasts and beards
As your hip widen, and my voice deepen
Each walk getting stronger, like herds
When beauty seem to last longer, like Eden

Where do you see yourself
When the almond tree blossoms
And the glass lens starts to blur
As the sound of singing strings shutter
And the housekeepers stand trembling ever
When heights of mountains we cannot stand
And depths of oceans we cannot land

Where do you see yourself
When the sound of grinding stops
With the silver cord loosed
And the golden bowl broken
When desires fail, and passion loses pow’r
And men goeth to his long home, to rest
And as the sun sets in the west

Where do you see yourself?

© Yesterday Mailo