

Black Holes and White Holes
Something you didn't know you needed
Goes away.
Pops out of existence
And now you have a black hole

Inside of you,
Your body crumbling
Pulled in by
A fearful singularity.

But black holes aren't really black
They're blinding white, in fact
(It EmItS rAdIaTiOn)
So perhaps it gives something back too

Something you didn't know existed,
An object of fear,
Goes away.
Pops out of existence
And now you have a white hole

You feel it, when it happens
You feel the blinding whiteness
As it releases you
From the fear
But then you wonder:

If a black hole is blinding white,
Does a white hole
Exude darkness too?
Did the fear it hold,
Make you a better you?

Its absence today
Fills me with light
I'm happy it's gone.
But it fills me with
Doubt and uncertainty
What if my hate
For fear is wrong?

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