

Moving On
You hurt me it's true,
the only thing I wanted was you.
I was lost in the illusion,
built myself a romantic delusion.
I believed that you loved me, only to realize you never even likes anything at all, living in a delusion of your own imagining yourself to be free.
It's a trap you are in a cell you built for yourself.
your own hell.
where you lure them in to play, but then you wrap them in your silken web never letting them get away, while you tell them to go,but they can't get free, chained to your side by your depth of need.
stockholmes syndrome has taken hold by the time you loosen your hold.
So fucking toxic and cold.
Boy that shit is old.
it's time to grow.
Your no longer a child,
running free and wild.
Your a man who's trapped in his own mind.
So scared of love you can't even be kind.
Set yourself free, let go of your fear.
You can't find love by staying trapped there.
I love you so much I would have done anything to be your girl, but I can't live on your tilt a whirl.
I refuse to be anything but free. The only way you can ever have love is to heal and rise above. Fear had no place with love for true love cast out all fear,
Let it go there is no room for your fears here.
© uniquely.peculiar.divine.soul