


House is a shelter for human beings
I'm a person who likes to touch clouds
I'm a person who likes the touch of wind and breeze
I'm a person who always likes to watch the beautiful sky at both day and night
I like night more because that's the time of silence, which I likes most...
I'm a person who likes to be in the middle of lush green forest
I'm a person who likes to be with nature more...

Maybe that's the reason why....
Windows in my house always made me feel like a bird in the cage...
Windows are beautiful when it gives the the perfect sunshine, wind, air,light...
Most importantly, the view of nature....
Windows with bars are like a prison for me...
In which, sometimes made me think like
I'm a girl without freedom, like a beautiful bird in the unknown shelter which never made its desires grow...

Glass windows with large view of nature
Are the best of all the windows I'd ever seen
That's where my happiness lies.....
Being with nature made my soul at peace.....

© @magical_roots