

A Two State Solution
A Two State Solution
You thought you knew
But you know nothing
1936 was the first offer of
A Two State Solution
But no
Then again in 1947
A Two State Solution
Offer but no
Again in 1967
A Two State Solution
Again you said no
Then in 2000
A Two State Solution
Again your hate made you say no
One more time in 2008
A Two State Solution
Was offered but no your Hamas had to have it all
No just
A Two State Solution
This is a true poem
You stole the aid to your own people
Instead of
A Two State Solution
You took their money for food and spent it on weapons and tunnels while your people staved
A Two State Solution
Could have saved many that died . Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 wait for you to take
A Two State Solution
But you cowards rather your people died your leader a billionaire while your people stave and die
A Two State Solution
Offered over and over in history first the plo then Hamas always cowards
Masked covered
Baby killers
Now your here
Our your signing on
With your ignorance
But don’t fool yourself
Your here
So are we the real warriors
The one who will fight
Faces uncovered
We will put you back
We won’t be held back
You won’t survive
Your pepper will finally be free
From the cowards of Hamas
A Two State Solution
Will finally come true
With you in your grave

© Robert prezioso
# evil# lies#hamas# cowards