

The Thriving Writer
Everyone is different.

We all have our own characteristics, personalities, demeanor, beliefs and dispositions.

We also come from separate lifestyles and personal spaces that we feel and can't 'for the life of us' put into our own words the “mumble jumble” of our mind set.

Writer's block.

We want to create a picture to our audience with the art of what we have written.

We have great hopes that everyone, no matter who they are or where they're from can understand us through our words.

The importance of having the opportunity to engage with other's viewpoints and exhibit the ability to clear our heads, giving up the need for control, and listening enables patience.

There are ways of maintaining focus while struggling with racing thoughts.

Making a way for another human being to establish a connection within themselves, like puzzle pieces completing a puzzle.

Somehow, we want to manage that connection.

We mindfully, and sometimes desperately have to take time out to hear someone else's thought process instead of drowning them out over the loudness of our own frustrating and discombobulated state of being.

Quieting the storm.

When is the last time you told “your story” and it came out in the right words sounding the same as it did in your head, while conversing with anyone by way of expressing anything?

We are capable of “opening our eyes”.

“Looking outside the box”.

The mere willingness to being nonjudgmental and have an open heart, the psychological means of settling the sea saw affect of left brain vs. right brain and having ears that listen; could over-power the existing confusion resignating within us.

We can encourage, inspire, or touch someone's heart with our own perspectives, points of views, opinions and strength learning to accomplish authenticity in the sense of expressing our true selves.

Our minds drift from our unique, creative works to achieve such happiness in accordance with the expectations of Social Media.

This fails us as human beings and passion as writers to use our skills in the “raw”; unconsciously abiding by those pre-existing standards all around the world.

Do you believe this proves us all to be fictitious in some ways?

Do we all disguise ourselves?

Unintentionally or purposely masking ourselves to cover what the realness really is inside us?

Constantly wondering who we're meant to be?

Maybe too ashamed or too shy to trust others with our dignity, pride, uniqueness and self-truth?

I know we're all thriving to effectively display the “exact” picture we're wanting to draw with our destinctive words and accurately impacting another's senses through just the right amount and use of our diction.

We're all learning how to expose our finished masterpiece in its most pure and rarest of ways.

Writing, reading, editing, re-writing and reading it again.

Our desire is so that people can be inspired to through their journeys of chasing smiles and laughter.

We often want to lift the spirits of those who are not doing well.

We as writer's want to give our readers something they can relate to on any level and every experience, internally or environmentally.

Every living being needs at least one person they can connect with on a cognitive level that when the other person speaks, you can feel the vibrations in your chakra activating up your spine.

Giving you security to be free-spirited, satisfying and inhibiting the reader to gain a respect for your work.

This is giving them an undoubtable reason to keep reading until the end.

Be you.

Your special talents could affect someone's life in ways you'll never know just by letting them realize they're not alone.

Your blessings will become tenfold.

The world needs you, as it needs every being's purpose to become full-filled.

Imagine experiencing what the definition of release and relief literally feel likes that we all desire to experience for many reasons.

Big or small.

Your dedication is, always has and will be appreciated.

Keep thriving.

Written by:

-Amy Jo Koontz-

© Amy Jo Koontz