

what if I do what you do?
would you stay with me or would you go!
if I were a dude an you were
the girl.
would you take it like I do
or would you run from it
you constantly say 2 wrongs
don’t make it right.
should I just give up
or should I fight for what’s right.
but wait hold up you don’t even know what
you did to make me feel the way I do.
so while you wanna think it’s cool
I guess I can fuckin do it too.
what the fuck you think your fuckin shit don’t stink.
go ahead enjoy it now cause when I fuckin leave you
I ain’t coming back.
don’t hit my line up
leave me alone
it’ll take me a minute to get you outta my fuckin system
but when I do remember one thing
I tried to do right by you but you must not like me much anymore. so guess what time gif me to go be a whore. that’s the only way I get you eye.
you an I I’m giving up this time. I’ll go back to where I came from but trust this I’ll get back to the top without you cause I don’t need nobody to do shit for me
just remember how it made you feel
you are so fucking fake an 2 faced an I can’t wait to get from around you I wo t come back around
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