

Thoreau Was On To It
We worship a new god,
a material spiritualism,
carried in our pockets and purses.

Virtual memories
replace the once vibrant
imagination landscapes,
as we build
our digital doppelgängers,
creating a shadow
of our current cognition.

A meta reality,
ripe for a parasitic pilfer
by a Mephistophelian monster.

Drawn into the machine,
we are dulled and blunted,
corralled and punted,
pacified in preparation
for an integrated slaughter.

by our own designs,
to replace our desires to experience
with dopamine hits,
fear reactions,
and stimulated stress responses.

An Ahrimanic attribution,
driven to dominate
and focused on absorbing
the qualities that make us human,
propagates a social network
to reinforce our acclimation
to total subjugation.

We must hold on
to our decisions which remain
outside the algorithm
and follow a path of attenuation,
to moderate our amalgamation.

our ability to cut away,
is the prescription
that can keep us
from the path of imminent integration.

Thoreau was on to it,
so very long ago,
and we all understood him
if we got to hear
and cared to listen.

© J.Drinker