

Changing changes
With my eyes awake and my mind at ease, my thoughts are wandering far away.

The confusion is so profound, every inch of my soul is squabbling for possession of my body; my heart, my skin, the touch I crave.

The tinge of black or dark you say, is lingering down the spine. It's dancing around, it's mocking me.

That smug hollow abyss is wandering and scattering, trying to win the war within. As memories fade, it steps ahead and stomps with every stride.

With eyes closed I say, "No more, please no more O mighty gloom." It looks at me and halts its stride. "I am you and you are mine, why this silly cry? You made me, you left me to rot and be your silhouette?"

I looked at it with widened eyes and I saw my shadow cry. I start to doubt my mind and eyes and every inch of soul.

I ask myself, "Who am I, you are me or I am your silhouette?" My legs tremble with the weight of doubts and my carcass starts to crumble; I was me but part of me to make the body mine.

This war within light & dark and the darkness has a light.