

The Mysteries Within
The distinction of the slightest to greatest,
The limits of some series,
Can't be defined by just one click basis,
But encrypted to a few secretive diaries
In the whispers of the wind In the dance of shadows
Lies the hidden truth
Beyond the boundaries Of what we know
A universe of secrets
Only few can show
Each page turned
Unveils a new layer Of the enigmatic tale
Written in the stars
In every heartbeats rhythm
In the silence of the night
The mysteries within
Shine in their own light.
Mysterious and deep
The secrets keep
Unraveling the unknown
In the whispers of the trees In the depths of the seas
The truth is waiting For those with keen eyes To see beyond the surface And uncover the lies.
So cherish the mystery
Embrace the unknown
For in its depths
Lies a beauty all its own
The distinction of the slightest to the greatest
Is but a glimpse Of the vast universe
In which we exist.

© corrinaw