

You are human,before you are A human🏴
You are human,before you are A human,
You are love,before you look For love,
You are excellence,before you excel,
You are an archievement before you archieve.
See,we dont need to do in order to be,
But we do because we already are.

That we are creatures of becoming is a perspective,
Otherwise we are more of creatures of expression.
Don't love someone so you can be called a lover on IG,
Don't give on camera so Facebook can call u a giver,
Don't post on tik tok so people can call u a happy couple.

You already are ALL these things.
Don't waste time trying to fake or archieve them.
Why seek an external validation over what you internally are?
Be you,Love you,Aceept you, Express you n Impress you.
After all,in the grand scheme of things,
You are you,and thats your vantage point of rarity💯🏴
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