

So many things run through my head each time I see a day like this.
To many, it's a day to laugh and make merry,
I won't dispute that because it's supposed to however be filled with great bliss.
But do you know over the years, many have got so many tales that are fairy.

I count it all joy to be celebrating my day like this,
I have always thought that if I don't discover myself, the end will be fiery.
Many might go around flaunting that which is Swiss,
Not having a single knowledge of what it means to be in the refinery.

The question I've got for you is, are you HIS?
You might not understand how important the above question is until you're in slavery.
It's sad that most people still practice the principle of hit-and-miss,
Stop that, and focus on one thing that makes lasting impact that can make you cheery.

I celebrate you out there who is still a Mr or a Miss,
Try to accept who you are and make that move with all bravery.
No matter how hard life has been, run to God who can give you that tender kiss,
Then, your life will become historic and free from all sorts of mockery.