

War leaves nothing
its been years go
i sent my Son with many badges
on his uniform
he kissed my head and said
Oh my dear mom
why you weep
why are tear on your face
its not for so long
I will come soon
to join my wedding
to join your happiness
Oo my sweet Mom
dnt b afraid of war
we will conquare
he went
the days were going
month came
year came
years came
door was knocked
mother who was always sit
near to door to kiss
her Son forhead
saw a other man in same uniform
she thiught might her son got changed
the man kissed herhand
gave her the badges left in war of her
and said Mom
He died whike serving the country
she said
Did heask for waterlast time?
was he thirsty last moment
whenever i drink water
i found myself
more thirsty
the Man couldnt reply to her
she asked
did he said something last moment
i always hear whisper in my ear
was he hurt last moment
i always feel pain
the man couldnt answer
because the bomb teared her son out
even didnt have to give her,his uniform
she went inside with teary eyes
bleeded heart
with many son she losted too
that day
her wait after year cane to end