

I'm lost in the darkness
(Without you, I'm lost)
But when I'm with you,
you lighten my heavy weigh
(You light my way)
You are my Sun
(My Sun, brighten my day, for I revolve around you)

Oh sweet Kinsley,
What would I do without you?
(The Earth cannot survive without its Sun)
Shall't I count the stars & sing a heavy tune?
(No star's as bright as you)

The passage of time may stop in your divine
(Thy divine so pure & true)
To admire thy so timidly bold
(Fragile as a flower, bold as a unicorn)

Because of you, it is, I sit here, still, today, contemplating,
(Contemplating times past & the future to come)
Writing about the endless possibilities
(Your possibilities in this world are endless)
In the great beyond
(Beyond interpretation)

The tree of life, so bravely still
(You are my tree of life)
The stars, so mystically a force
(The most mystical of all, sweet Kinsley)
The entire galaxy
(You are like the galaxy, mystical & full of wonder)
Can't compare to my sweet Kinsley
(My Sun, Kinsley)
© sloane