

Learning How To Get It Right
When I started writing,
I was a young eighteen
and I can still remember
the first piece I ever wrote.

To say it was terrible
is an understatement to say the least,
but I am not ashamed I wrote it
no matter how bad it was.

It’s a part of my history now,
the beginning point
for everything I have achieved,
the first step that I took.

It was a bit clumber some
as all first steps usually are,
unless you are a genius
of which I am clearly not.

They say the more you practice,
the better you are going to get.

I have been practicing
for forty years now
and I am still not perfect yet.

Nor do I think I will ever be,
for if I thought I was perfect
I would give up completely.

I am still learning
and I’ll remain that way
until the day I eventually die.

So, if you see mistakes in my work
you’ll understand the reason why,
I am still learning
on how to get it right.

© oumaima_elbkkli ✍✍