

Dear friend I just met,
Remember when I joked of my insight,
Well most visions have come to pass.
And that's why so soon,
I write with this ink,
My final goodbyes.
I ain't afraid of what is to come,
Coz my eyes will shut,
With you holding me close,
And I know in heart,
No deathly hour,
Is as sweet and kind,
As one with the one you love the most,
Close in sight.

In this fragile letter,
I say what the bullets in my wounds,
Would strain me from whispering to you.
It was later in days,
That you changed from friend to family.
I'll forever cherish our unplanned bond,
In hope that you wipe away your tears,
With the moments we laughed!
Yours truly,
A friend to keep

@rynie willy