

I found my tears of Joy
I found my tears of Joy

You are the Communion of my spirit, you die for my soul with the will of a free choice, to teach our sin to repent for the temptation, they do know what they do.
My cries wouldn't be water, if it wasn't for you Jesus.
For every mistake I still make, your corrections tell me, I will never outdo your Love.
I know that Tomorrow, this is one of your biggest blessings, you give us another chance to get it right, over and over again.
Where we don't see loving ourselves , is like you love the church, your mercy and Grace are the image of how marriage is supposed to be, obeying is better than a sacrifice, why can't we Love one another?
If we wouldn't put ourselves in these situations, comparing ourselves to being perfect wouldn't be a need.
Let it rain Joy, my tears wouldn't be water, if it wasn't for you
I see it now , the attachment of
Judas old sin, Is
another way , for Satan to kill our hearts steal our souls, and destroy our minds.
The way the world is shacking up with betrayal, the attachments were never new under the Sun.
Let it rain Joy, when you come back for me Jesus, every tear that fell you kept.
To remind me, you were always there.
BY Frederick Pennix Aka Praiser The Poet The Show:Off Worshiper
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