

It's just the beginning.
This is the end
So don't.matter if you are down a with the latest trend.
Just make sure your character doesn't bend
Make sure that you keep a hand to lend
and keep humanity alive again.
When it's your time in need,
you'll see
who's in your corner indeed.
Make sure your cause is worth your creed.
I don't know why there are starving youth when there's more than enough to feed.
Don't lose yourself in search for more than what you need.
I'm just planting the seed.
I love where I'm.l at, the country the freed.
Canada is what my heart bleeds.
Canada is what my heart bleeds.
Canada is what my heart bleeds.
I'm like rain x to these haters. I just watch them bead.
Then say sorry. Can we all agree?
Canada is what my heart bleeds.
© venkatjamespersaud