

Why do I feel so unreal
I'm always broken and I don't know how to heal

I feel like my like just started but I already died
like the world I live in isn't one that's real life

I am trying so hard every day
I am trying so hard just to stay

I just put a smile and act nice
cause when you ask about me they say that I'm the one who gives advice

But I feel so drained and so exhausted
I always feel so out of place and really distracted

It's not that I don't listen,the problem's that's all I do
I never tend to ask for help when I actually need to

I just say I'm fine and they'll just believe it like it's the truth
Maybe that's why people get manipulated so smooth

I never eat how much I'm supposed to
I usually just take a bit or two

I don't really care that much about myself like I do about others
because everyone I befriend and everyone I know,they are like brothers

So I'll continue my life as it is for now
I know I'll survive, somehow.