

Toxic Friends
In circles of confidants, we once did find
A bond so strong, a friendship so divine
But time did reveal, a toxic mind
That twisted truths, and hearts did entwine

Their words like venom, pierced our soul
Leaving scars, that would not unfold
Their actions, a game of manipulation
Leaving us lost, in confusion and frustration

They whispered lies, with a silver tongue
And laughed as our hearts did become undone
Their grip so tight, it choked our breath
Leaving us gasping, in a toxic death

But then we found, a way to break free
From the chains that bound us, so miserably
We scattered their lies, like dust to the wind
And found our voice, our strength did begin

Now we stand, with heads held high
Free from the toxicity, that once did lie
We'll never again, let such friends near
For their love was a poison, we cannot bear
© Subhadarshi Hotta