

"Between Holding and Letting Go"
In the gentle breeze of dawn,
The memories whisper, they want to return.
Trembling hands, tense skin,
A heart divided, fights in its song.

Past laughter, echoes of yesterday,
every moment lived, difficult to do.
But time moves forward, like an endless river,
and to cling to shadows is to lose yourself in living.

The weight of fear is felt when letting go,
while the soul longs to learn to fly.
Freedom calls with a sweet and clear voice,
but the bond of yesterday sometimes cannot be separated.

In the dance of life, one step back,
and a brave turn that invites you to dream.
Thus in the coming and going of what was and will be,
We learn that to love is also to leave.

So between shadows and lights of today,
We find the art of being and I am not.
Holding on and letting go are two sides of being,
an eternal journey that teaches us to grow.
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