

I have known you all my life
but I don't really know you.
You talk to me in secret,
a look that could cut me in two.
I don't understand why your attentions are there because I'm not like others that attract you.
You've known me all of my life,
my background is an open book.
I'm not going to encourage you but I want you to know that I do see you.
I'm not the picture that is painted, I'm not going to be fake and pretend.
I'm not with all that worldly stuff trying to keep up or out do others I live as quite as I can.
I don't need the vast impressions the true is what really impress me.
Nice is the word that I use a lot if not nice is nothing else, these days people are lonely
needing something that rarely found but when they have it they seem to mess it up.
Talking on these things are the only way to have a relationship anymore without all the flare and the need to keep up.
I'm the opposite of what I see you're attracted to and I won't change who I am to impress you.

© sky