

Teddy Bear
On the day she was born,
Her father named her teddy bear.
The only thing that could quiet her screams
Was a sight of him standing there.

Everything seemed to be good.
I really thought we were okay.
But things they changed so fast. Because he decided not to stay.

So when this little girl came home
In daddy's chair was a dark space.
Where could her daddy be?
She needed to see his face.

Instead, she got a memory, that will last forever.
Eyes begging for Mama to say he wasn't gone?"
The little girl to young to realize, Mama needed her to be strong.

So her entire life was a hell with no escape.
Her life a battled field of mental prisons
Why does my death procrastinate?

Now the scar her daddy left,
Is the reason she's never fallen in love.
As She looks in the mirror at father time,
She prays for relief from above.

Broken heart for life,
Is the gift that her father left behind.
He cared nothing the little girl's tears.
How could a father be so unkind?

But if I could go back
There's one thing I'd change.
I should've been a better Teddy Bear to my Mama.
And not given so much power to a name.

by Alexia Houston
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