

In depths of sorrow, I am lost, entwined,
A veil of darkness shrouds my weary heart.
Numbness grips my soul, emotions confined,
Grief's weight upon my spirit, tearing apart.

Tears unshed, a silent storm within me brews,
Aching voids and echoes of what once was,
Through the haze, I yearn for moments I would choose,
To feel alive again, to break grief's pause.

The world around me moves, but I stand still,
A statue carved in sorrow's bitter stone.
No solace found, no respite to fulfill,
In this desolate realm, I feel alone.

Yet within this numbness, a flicker remains,
A tiny ember, a whisper of hope's refrain,
Though grief consumes, I'll rise from these remains,
Embracing life's colors, healing the pain.

So I endure, with faith, I will reclaim,
A heart that's mended, though scars may remain.

© Phoenix